
In a pandemic environment as a result of COVID 19 where the challenges are even more noticeable, in Amún Shéa we moved the production and research spaces to the homes of the families of the North of Morazán, providing them seedlings and inputs for the production of food such as radishes, tomatoes, chili peppers, lettuce, chives among others for healthy nutrition and the opportunity to apply the knowledge and skills acquired during face-to-face classes at Amún Shéa. In addition, to offer a space for experimentation with new 100% organic products, modes of production, production processes, use of technologies in production, healthy nutrition, and as an incubator for entrepreneurship. Results obtained: Established 60 home gardens to facilitate the Agroecology training program for Amún Shéa families, 60 families have access to quality and healthy food that contributes to good nutrition, Created 60 family spaces that improve coexistence and teamwork, Strengthened the learning process in agroecology to 300 family members acquire knowledge and develop life skills, Positive impact on the transformation of the education of children and young people in the municipality of Perquín.

  • Realization date: September to November 2020
  • Made by: Amún Shéa students

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